[Clfs-support] clfs- x86_multilib_dev systemd-218 32-bit build question

lux-integ lux-integ at btconnect.com
Mon Feb 16 05:46:29 PST 2015

On Wednesday 11 February 2015 14:07:43 Martin Ward wrote:
> the users i have set up are
> systemd-timesync:x:41:41:systemd-timesync:/dev/null:/bin/false
> systemd-network:x:42:42:systemd-network:/dev/null:/bin/false
> systemd-resolve:x:43:43:systemd-resolve:/dev/null:/bin/false
> systemd-bus-proxy:x:44:44:systemd-bus-proxy:/dev/null:/bin/false
> systemd-journal-gateway:x:45:45:systemd-journal-gateway:/dev/null:/bin/fals
> e systemd-journal-remote:x:46:46:systemd-journal-remote:/:/bin/false
> systemd-journal-upload:x:47:47:systemd-journal-upload:/:/bin/false
> the groups
> input:x:19:
> systemd-journal:x:40:
> systemd-timesync:x:41:
> systemd-network:x:42:
> systemd-resolve:x:43:
> systemd-bus-proxy:x:44:
> systemd-journal-gateway:x:45:
> systemd-journal-remote:x:46:
> systemd-journal-upload:x:47

thanks for the advice.

I managed to complete the multilib build  
with systemd-218,glibc-2.21,gcc-4.9.2,binutils-2.25
 and  it boots. However It boots  showing  3  errors

error1 :
Failed to start Create Volatile fles and directories

faild to start login services

shows big screen fonts only on platform with radeon GPU

--for erroor1
advice would be appreciated

--for error 2

,  this appears to be linked to dbus.

As I reported previously  installing systemd-218  (64bit 
( http://clfs.org/view/git/x86_64/final-system/systemd-64bit.html )
) did not seem to obey the 
--libexecdir=/usr/lib64   switch   instead stuff  seemed deposited in /usr/lib   
as long as the --prefix=/usr    was used 
and accordingly dbus ( 32bit )
( http://clfs.org/view/git/x86_64/final-system/dbus.html     )
would not build.  So I moved  systemd-218  (m32) libraries out of /usr, set 
the appropriate  $PKG_CONFIG_PATH32
and dbus ( -m32_build ) duly compiled.  The dbus 64-bit compiled using book 
insructions.   I do not know if these changes are causing error2 as the 
default is 64bit and this is as in the book.  Advice would be appreciated.

--for error 3
I moved  the build to a machine with nvidiaGPU ( Nouveau driver ) and  on 
bootup small fonts result.   On a host with radeon GPU I tried moving  the 
binaries out of /lib/firmware/radeon to /lib/firmware  but it made no 
I also fiddled  with kernel options for  graphics  and console fonts but  
emerged  unlucky  so far. On the same host is another instance of clfs with 
sysemd-206 and it boots giving small fonts.

Advice will be appreciated.

Yours sincerely

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