[Clfs-support] xorg 7 script problem

Randolph D Dach rdach at telus.net
Mon Mar 28 12:03:38 PDT 2011


I am trying to rebuild CFLS and I have run into a problem with the script for helping build the xorg7 proto  section of the CBLFS

when I run the script 
 cat ../Proto-20101205.wget | while read package; do   packagedir=$(sed -e "s/\.tar\.bz2//" <<< $package);    cd $top || break; 
grep ^$packagedir$ done && continue;  
 echo $package && 
echo $packagedir && 
tar xvf $package; 

I get the output of  

grep: done: No such file or directory
tar: applewmproto-1.4.1.tar.bz2\r: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

etc for all the rest of the tar.bz2 files

I copied this directly from the website??? and of course only added the echo parts to see if the package and packagedir were correctly shown  

why does tar put in the \r at the end of the package name????

Randolph D Dach <rdach at telus.net>

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