[Clfs-support] Planning on build development version

Alonso Graterol alonso.graterol at gmail.com
Fri Dec 25 10:24:16 PST 2009

> Sure, its very doable. This is how I upgrade most of my systems. don't
> mount /mnt/clfs on a seperate partition. and you can leave the symlink
> to /tools or move /tools to the host once you're done. After that just
> boot with init=/tools/bin/bash . After you're booted in run this:
> export PATH=/tools/bin
> set +h
> mount -o remount,rw /
> You should be free to replace any file on the host system at that point,
> as if you had just entered the chroot environment.
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Thanks a lot, Joe.

Does last instructions mean the main /bin directory would be
/tools/bin from then on or just for the first time after built and
then I could copy/move /tools/bin contents to former /bin?

Thanks again,


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