[Clfs-support] Can't mount root at boot

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Sun Nov 25 10:10:34 PST 2007

On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 08:42:40AM -0600, Arnie Stender wrote:
> Hi Ken,
>     Interesting, I never heard of that configuration option. As it turns
> out SuSE has it and CLFS doesn't. I think I'll try to reboot using
> manual options instead of rebuilding the kernel right now but where did
> you find out what that option was used for? Is it documented anywhere?
> It doesn't look too intuitive to me. :-(

 Oh, just something I had to use on my AmigaOne (the built-in IDE
was thought to be terminally broken, although in fact the underlying
issues also affected dma on add-on cards).

 Like most things, I think it's documented when you find it, but
knowing what to build into your kernel requires experience (repeated
builds, some not useful, and skimming lkml).  As a general rule,
finding an optimal config takes a long time, I'm still not there on
my mac G5, and lots of studying menuconfig - mostly, the '<Help>'
option provides some info.

das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

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