[Clfs-dev] Updated Test Logs

William Harrington berzerkula at cox.net
Fri Nov 2 21:21:41 PDT 2012

Greetings All,

It looks like the coreutils tests are going well and I've upated the  
book to resolve some minor issues with the latest package updates.

I've uploaded my latest build logs using jhalfs for an x86 building  
using an x865 host.


I will start a sparc64 and powerpc build tomorrow.

As of now I don' thave any mips or alpha hardware to test with.
Also I'm wondering if we should drop alpha from the book. I know we  
have mips users, just don't know about alpha.

I will most likely use jhalfs to build the cross and temp s ystem with  
my faster desktop then if all work well, I'll copy the tools to the  
target systems then continue the jhalfs build for result logs.


William Harrington

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