[Clfs-support] problem report for 3.0.0 beta 1 PowerPC SysVInit instructions

William Harrington kb0iic at berzerkula.org
Fri Sep 12 16:02:11 PDT 2014

On Sep 10, 2014, at 14:39, Dave Gomboc <dave_gomboc at acm.org> wrote:

> I know you mentioned that you have built the cross-tools many times.
> Did any of those times (recently) happen to use 64-bit Debian Wheezy
> (7.6) as the host operating system?  Perhaps I have improperly
> configured this system versus what CLFS expects?

I recently built CLFS GIT with a 64 bit Debian Jessie install without issues.

apt-get install gawk texinfo build-essential zlib1g-dev ncurses-dev && dpkg-reconfigure dash

I installed some others I require myself for building with jHALFS, but those wouldn’t affect a manual build.


William Harrington

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