[Clfs-support] Has anyone used the embedded book for MIPS recently?

Andrew Bradford andrew at bradfordembedded.com
Thu Oct 17 06:04:07 PDT 2013

Has anyone used the CLFS embedded book to build for a MIPS target in the
past year or two?

My impression of MIPS is that it's fading in favor of ARM and x86 for
most lower cost embedded-like development boards (like BeagleBoards,
Raspberry Pi, MinnowBoard, AllWinner-based, and Quark-based).  I don't
see much activity on MIPS processors coming out as lower cost kits or
even being used in industry unless you're buying millions of units.

Having MIPS for embedded definitely made sense when the WRT54G was the
best low cost embedded dev kit you could buy to play with.  But now the
low cost kings are ARM based and very accessible to hobbyists and
engineers alike.

If no one has used the MIPS book and no one has plans to, should MIPS be
removed from the embedded CLFS book?


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