[Clfs-support] gcc-4.8.0 clfs

William Harrington kb0iic at berzerkula.org
Tue May 28 11:05:06 PDT 2013

On May 28, 2013, at 12:50 PM, bvl wrote:

> I have had iffy downloads of eglibc before.  And as I said If you  
> posted  the
> copy of eglibc-2.17  that you successfully used  somewhere on the  
> cblfs setup
> I could download it as I am unsure of the version of eglibc I am  
> using.

I'm working through a rolling render of the GIT book staging for an  
update for gcc 4.8.0. You are welcome to test it as I move along and  
help with edits. Along with anyone else in this list. Following the  
clfs-dev mailing list will reveal more info.

The gcc 4.8 patches are not on the website so the download links won't  
work. The patches have been given by Martin Ward on this mailing list,  
so people can get the binaries from the list archives.

Also, do not worry about the gcc branch update patch, it is not  
downloadable either. If people want to create their own branch update  

git clone git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git &&
git checkout -b gcc-4_8-branch origin/gcc-4_8-branch
git checkout-index -f -a --prefix=/mnt/clfs/sources/gcc-4_8- 
branch/      (this is the new directory to diff against from the  
tar xf gcc-4.8.0.tar.gz  && mv gcc-4.8.0{,.orig}      (this is the  
original to diff against the new)
LANG=C TZ=UTC diff -Naur gcc-4.8.0.orig gcc-4_8-branch > gcc-4.8.0- 

https://www.berzerkula.org/~kb0iic/CLFS-GIT/html/  (this is sitll a  
work in progress. configuration options may change on a whim, packages  
may disappear on a whim, commands may change or disappear or be added  
on a whim, use at your own risk)

This book is being used to stage updates to the git book for gcc 4.8.0.

I'm sticking with eglibc 2.15 branch till I get gcc 4.8.0 multilib  
included. Then eglbc 2.17 will come later as more changes will be  


William Harrington
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