[Clfs-support] clfs-sysroot for arm/raspberrypi

Andrew Bradford andrew at bradfordembedded.com
Tue Mar 19 08:43:57 PDT 2013

On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 15:33:22 +0000
bvl <bvl at btconnect.com> wrote:

> I have been looking clfs for a raspberrypi project.  I came across
> the PiLFS site  ( http://www.intestinate.com/pilfs/ ) but this
> appears to be based on a prebuild binary rather than traditional
> (C)LFS instructions of how to do it. I also browsed clfs-embedded/arm
> ( http://cross-lfs.org/view/clfs-embedded/arm/  ) and   for a
> raspberrypi project  and I stumbled on this:- (  
> http://www.jayway.com/2013/01/20/linux-from-scratch-on-raspberry-pi/ )

You should be able to build the clfs embedded book for armv5 little
endian and run the result on a raspi, assuming you use proper kernel
sources (I believe the ones currently listed in the embedded book
predate the raspi).

> BUT my instinct it with the  sysroot clfs ( 
> http://cross-lfs.org/view/clfs-sysroot/arm/ ).  It seem more
> substantial (it uses eglibc for a start), with 
> more milage for long-rerm development and  usage as  more-powerful
> raspbis are rolled out .  Now I take  'sysroot' to mean the whole
> shebang is built on a foreign-host  (in this case an
> 'x86-cpu-based-computer  and the resultant image is ransferred to
> some device which is then implanted into a raspberrypi board).  Am I
> correct in this interpretation?

Yes.  You're correct.

> Eitherway the current cblfs sysroot looks a little aged (it is dated
> about 2009 and appears to be  based on kernel2.6.30 ,gcc-4.4.1,
> eglibc2.10. 

The sysroot book needs love, it's basically been stagnant for a few
years now.  You're welcome to improve it and send patches to the -dev

> --Question1:  Has anyone tried the current CLFS-sysroot for a
> raspberrypi and if so what were the results?

Not that I know of.

> --Question2:  Could the current CLFS-sysroot  be updated to mirror
> packages in current clfs development

Should be able to, yes.

> ( http://cross-lfs.org/view/svn/ (  i.e to be based on   gcc-4.6.3,
> kernel-3.4.17,eglibc-2.15  and if so does anyone know of  the
> relevant arm-CPU//raspberrypi patches for
> eglibc-2.15,gcc-4.6.3,binutils-2.23  and others in the distribution?

I'm not that familiar with the patches for the raspi but but I'm
certain they aren't in the sysroot book.

Does the raspi not work properly without patched eglibc, gcc, and
binutils?  Isn't it just an armv6/ARM11 core?  Wouldn't it run armv5
code (often called armel) without issue?


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