[Clfs-support] clfs-sysroot for arm/raspberrypi

bvl bvl at btconnect.com
Tue Mar 19 08:33:22 PDT 2013


I have been looking clfs for a raspberrypi project.  I came across the PiLFS 
site  ( http://www.intestinate.com/pilfs/ ) but this appears to be based on a 
prebuild binary rather than traditional (C)LFS instructions of how to do it.
I also browsed clfs-embedded/arm (
 http://cross-lfs.org/view/clfs-embedded/arm/  ) and   for a raspberrypi 
project  and I stumbled on this:- (  
http://www.jayway.com/2013/01/20/linux-from-scratch-on-raspberry-pi/ )

BUT my instinct it with the  sysroot clfs ( 
http://cross-lfs.org/view/clfs-sysroot/arm/ ).  It seem more substantial (it 
uses eglibc for a start), with 
more milage for long-rerm development and  usage as  more-powerful  raspbis 
are rolled out .  Now I take  'sysroot' to mean the whole shebang is built on 
a foreign-host  (in this case an 'x86-cpu-based-computer  and the resultant 
image is ransferred to some device which is then implanted into a raspberrypi 
board).  Am I correct in this interpretation?

Eitherway the current cblfs sysroot looks a little aged (it is dated about 
2009 and appears to be  based on kernel2.6.30 ,gcc-4.4.1, eglibc2.10. 

--Question1:  Has anyone tried the current CLFS-sysroot for a raspberrypi and 
if so what were the results?
--Question2:  Could the current CLFS-sysroot  be updated to mirror packages in  
current clfs development  ( http://cross-lfs.org/view/svn/  
 (  i.e to be based on   gcc-4.6.3, kernel-3.4.17,eglibc-2.15  and if so does 
anyone know of  the relevant arm-CPU//raspberrypi patches for 
eglibc-2.15,gcc-4.6.3,binutils-2.23  and others in the distribution?

thanks in advance

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