[Clfs-support] Proper ABI selection for the ARMv4t platform

Hector Oron hector.oron at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 07:30:24 PDT 2011


2011/4/7 Angel Ivan Castell Rovira <al004140 at gmail.com>:

>> I would recommend revert to EABI. With a patch (not sure if it is at
>> CLFS) you can make v4 EABI build.
> Can some of you confirm if that patch is really necesary to build a working
> CLFS toolchain for the ARMv4t / EABI / uClibc based?
> I have built that toolchain for the ARMv4t, and all userspace apps/libs are
> built fine with that toolchain. However, I could not test if generated
> bins/libs are working fine, because the kernel compiled with that CLFS
> toolchain hangs when it starts running the userspace.

The patch I was talking about for v4 support should not be needed.
Kernel fun! G'luck! :-D

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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