[Clfs-support] CBLFS: after CLFS

appzer0 appzer0 at free.fr
Sat Oct 9 15:56:38 PDT 2010


Some news about my experience with CLFS and what I've learnt.

> Builds are done with fakeroot, not to spam host with errors of 
> manipulations or unfortunate builds. Only the packages that use 
> 'mknod' have to be run by root (there is 2 such packages).
No more packages building with root, device nodes are now created in 
post-install mode (root), allowing all packages to be created with fakeroot.
> So the system works (almost) like a charm. Still, some questions are 
> still in my mind.
> The python packages (files in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages): My 
> /usr/lib{,64}/python2.6/site-packages are not the same:
> (...)
> Do I need to have the same contents in both dirs? I suppose so. So 
> it's gonna complicate the scripts over a bit more, I guess. Like, 
> moving the 32-bit python packages in a safe place before 64-bit builds.
> I would really appreciate directions on about how to specify 
> 'site-packages' dirs to build systems or if I have to manually put the 
> files in the right places after the build.
Simply, there were bugs in build systems from certain packages. 
/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages and /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages 
now have both the same content.

I found out that some 32-bit libs were overwritten by 64-bit ones, it 
was kinda lot of work to figure them all out. Believe me, a full 
multilib linux system is NOT the easy way to learn to build a distro. :)

Thanks to Slackware 'fashion', eglibc can now be upgraded without 
breaking the system, by isolating important libs and tweaking ldconfig 
at the right time.

The system is stable, fast and powerful, so yes, I'm delighted.

So, just to say, it can be done.

Show must go on. :) Thanks again for all the good work.


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