[Clfs-support] CLFS multilib (SVN20100103): cannot neither chroot nor boot Ch. 6

Chris Staub chris at beaker67.com
Tue Jan 5 23:53:27 PST 2010

On 01/06/2010 02:42 AM, appzer0 wrote:
> My bad. It seems that I pasted env variables for wrong sessions :(
> Anyway you are right concerning the "vendor" strings, sorry it's not
> that strict following indeed (and sorry for my english).
>> There's one problem right there - Bash in /tools is linked to the
>> host, and I bet so is everything else (such as Coreutils, which would
>> explain the /tools/bin/env issue above). My guess your messing with
>> various env. vars (and/or not bothering to set the right PATH) has
>> messed things up...either that or it is due to even more deviations
>> from the book that you haven't mentioned. All I can suggest is to rm
>> -rf /{cross-,}tools/*, go back to the beginning and *actually* follow
>> the book's instructions...all of them...
> You're perfectly right. cross-tools are compiled via a Bash script I
> wrote and I probably I mixed variables from that script along with
> variables from my env, so it may be have messed the PATH up.

Ah ok, sorry I was harsh - I was making false assumptions. Hopefully 
it'll work this time.

> Thank you very much for your time and directions. I'll drop a line if
> everything went OK rebuilding from the beginning. Have a nice day.
> appzer0

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