[Clfs-support] CLFS newbie: x86 to SPARC x-compiletion requirements

attila.j.horvath at gmail.com attila.j.horvath at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 03:05:15 PDT 2009


I have a need to cross compile from a 32-bit x86 based Windows/Linux hosting
environment to a 64-bit SPARC based SOLARIS/10 target environment. I've
considered SUN's GCCFSS and have taken initial steps to go down that path
however there are some logistic hurdles that I may not be able to overcome
due to GCCFSS' basic operation. Primarily, it needs the contents of the
target machine's /usr/include, /usr/lib, /usr/(etc.) directories. Since the
target machine is a classified machine and the host is not, there is a
logistics I may not be able to easily overcome. I just came across CLFS.
>From the sound of it, CLFS may very well get around this potential security
hurdle that GCCFSS may encounter.

After more searching I came across CLFS. I've (only) *skimmed* the
documentation detailing the instantiation of a SPARC /mnt/clfs environment [
http://cross-lfs.org/files/BOOK/1.1.0/CLFS-1.1.0-sparc64-64.pdf]. From
skimming, I can tell that the steps are considerable to achieve a SPARC
targeted CLFS mount. I'm willing to follow the procedure step-by-step,
however, I have the following basic question before doing so: *Does any one
have these steps detailed in a scripted format that can semi-automate the
installation procedure?*

As a starting point, I already have under VmWare environment (I can also use
SUN's xVM [VirtualBox]) instances of both UBUNTU and x86-based SOLARIS/10
clients. Initial checking shows my UBUNTU virtual machine appears better
equipped to deal w/ CLFS than my SOLARIS/10 virtual machine environment.

The referenced book above "appears" to provide the necessary details to
achieve my x-compiling goals. However, not ever having gone through such a
process as this before, I'm not sure what pitfalls/caveats I may come
across. For one thing, due to the complexity involved it would be very easy
to inadvertently omit a step and/or commit an error thereby preventing the
process from working correctly. IMHO, no procedure is perfect except an
automated scripted procedure.

I'm sure there're others out there that have already done what I'm about to
do. I'm willing to benefit from other's experiences and learn from other's

I thank both communities in advance for your anticipated help/guidance.


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