[Clfs-support] sysklogd-1.5 segfault

mike spam at kleiderschrank51.de
Mon Sep 29 04:17:38 PDT 2008

jignesh gangani schrieb:
> Dear All,
> I am following CLFS-1.1.0 SVN for pure64 version. I have completed my build.
> But at the time of booting, I got following message:
> Starting Kernel logger: sysklogd segfault at 0 rip 0xzzzzzzzz Error 4.
> And it stops. The machine is not hung as I can see it still responds
> to keystrokes
> but it doesn't go further either. When I was looking on the net for
> the solution I found
> that it might be referring to hard coded path to System.map
> (/usr/src/linux/System.map)
> I booted from a livecd and removed the syslog from startup sequence.
> Then after booting
> when I manually ran sysklogd with debugging on it was referring to
> correct System.map.
> So reference to incorrect System.map is not an issue.
> Does anybody know the solution? Has anybody came across this error?
> Thanks for any help.


do you 'stripped-all' you libs complete? when so, then go back and 
compile all packages again. when not, try a init=/bin/sh at the kernenl 
command line in grub. then you must mount at first /proc & /sys, then 
the / filesystem in rw mode. then you can look waths going on. please 


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