[Clfs-support] Need help building the cross toolchain

George Boudreau georgeb at linuxfromscratch.org
Thu Nov 6 19:42:20 PST 2008

Binghoo Dang wrote:
> Joe Ciccone 写道:
>> Guys, Please trim your replies. It's very hard to make sense of what's
>> going on.
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>> Clfs-support mailing list
>> Clfs-support at lists.cross-lfs.org
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> So ,the gcc don't install libgcc.a because of the command "make all-gcc 
> ,make install-gcc" ?Oh, it seems that we are closing to success.
> _______________________________________________

   It seems you are attempting to build for the Beagleboard (cortex-a8) 
You will beat your head against the wall with little success unless you 
include some 50+ patches from the OpenEmbedded group. Many of these 
patches came from the buildroot project along with fedora, debian and 
their own creations.

   Yes, you can build (I have) a busybox/uclibc or busybox/glibc 
filesystem using a modified CLFS-Embedded sysroot method. I have not 
contacted the clfs boys yet as this is a work in progress. Embedded 
systems play by different rules and my bootscripts leave a lot to be 


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