[Clfs-dev] Server maintenance - be back online soon

Justin R. Knierim cross-lfs at knierim.org
Tue Feb 12 15:02:17 PST 2019


it was only a matter of time, but the old CLFS running on my cloud 
service kicked the bucket.  No data is lost, but everything was in 
severe need of upgrades.  I have refurbished the previous CLFS server 
(meander, but now called meanwhile) and will be doing fresh installs to 
get things upgraded and back online.  As for the GIT specific stuff, 
that was setup by someone else a longer time ago and I'm inclined to put 
the repos on github via a CLFS organization now so that others can pull 
and do merge requests without having to get specific accounts.  Any 
objections or other suggestions are welcome.

If there are any other specific needs for CLFS that weren't previously 
done please let me know.  I hope those on the CLFS team are doing well 
and look forward to feedback.



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