[Clfs-dev] Embedded Book Acknowledgments?

Andrew Bradford bradfa at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 04:02:18 PDT 2011

In the embedded book (this possibly affects the other books too),
there's both section 1.1 CLFS Acknowledgments and Appendix B
Acknowledgments.  Appendix B seems to just be LFS people (some of
which worked on CLFS) while 1.1 looks more like it's only CLFS people.

Were all these people involved in the embedded version of the book or
are the people listed just carryovers from porting of the book from
LFS to CLFS and then to the embedded version?

What's an inoffensive but effective way to clean up the list?
The LFS project now only has an appendix for acknowledgments, I think
that looks cleaner than having two different acknowledgments sections.

I'm not completely familiar with who worked on the book (LFS or CLFS)
in the past as I'm rather new to the CLFS mailing lists and
development.  I wouldn't feel comfortable cleaning up the list of
names because I don't know the history, but I feel that a cleanup is
something worth doing.

Any recommendations?


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