.hmmessage P
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<FONT size=4>Thanks Dave.</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>I really forgot to add the UNIX DOMAIN SOCKETS to my system. I added it tonight and I can login the system now .</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>But I have other problems then. Here the problems:</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>/tmp/etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S50cleanfs: line: 78: find: command not found</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4></FONT> <BR>
<FONT size=4>/var/lock/etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S50cleanfs: line: 83: find: command not found</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>/etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S50cleanfs: line: 17: find: command not found</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>/etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S80localnet: line 22: ip: command not found</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>/etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.d/S80localnet: line 23: ip: command not found</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>nice: syslogd: No such file or directory</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>nice: klogd: No such file or directory</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S20network: line 19: /etc/sysconfig/network: No such file or directory</FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>It's obvious that my system lack somethings, Could anyone give me some advice? </FONT><BR>
<FONT size=4>Thanks!</FONT><BR>
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