[Clfs-support] clfs-mbdd: cleanup/chowning.xml: utmp gp -vs- earlier musl/Busybox no- utmp .

Andrew Bradford andrew at bradfordembedded.com
Wed May 10 07:59:51 PDT 2017


On 05/07 23:02, akhiezer wrote:
> ====
> https://github.com/bradfa/clfs-embedded/blob/2017.04-fixes/BOOK/cleanup/chowning.xml
> http://clfs.org/view/clfs-embedded/x86/cleanup/chowning.html    # GIT-20161228-x86
> (bradfa/clfs-embedded.wcp.cz/render.2017.04-fixes.1/html)/x86/cleanup/chowning.html     # (20170507-sonntag) .
> ==
> "The following files should not to belong to the root group, they should
> belong to the utmp group (group 13):
>     chgrp -v 13 ${CLFS}/targetfs/var/run/utmp ${CLFS}/targetfs/var/log/lastlog
> "
> ====
> But there is, o/c, also:
> ====
> https://github.com/bradfa/clfs-embedded/blob/2017.04-fixes/BOOK/final-system/common/busybox.xml
> http://clfs.org/view/clfs-embedded/x86/final-system/busybox.html	# GIT-20161228-x86
> ==
> "Disable the use of utmp/wtmp as musl does not support them:"
> ====
> Is there at all any conflict between the above two blocks - even if/that
> gp-names are kindof - should be - irrelevant. If keeping the first block,
> then maybe worth noting why the command is there even though the second
> block - the switch-off of utmp/&c in Busybox - is done.

I think this will take some additional investigation.  Looking through
the musl code, there is some amount of support for utmp, wtmp, and
lastlog, although I've not looked at enough to actually understand what
it provides or implements.

Possibly disabling utmp/wtmp in busybox is not actually needed, but I'm
not sure yet.  So I've created a trac ticket: http://trac.clfs.org/ticket/1160


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