[Clfs-support] [Clfs-dev] Meander maintenance

Justin R. Knierim cross-lfs at knierim.org
Mon Jan 16 11:26:00 PST 2017

On 1/16/2017 6:11 AM, Justin R. Knierim wrote:
> I need to do a quick shuffle of where meander is hosted, and an IP 
> address change.  Shouldn't be too long, but the site may be 
> unavailable until it is complete.  I'll update the lists when the move 
> is done. 

Sorry it took longer than expected.  All public services should be back 
up again.  I'm still copying FTP packages data over, but it should be 
done in a few hours.  If there are any services not working, please let 
me know!  Once all the data is copied over, I'll give the thing a quick 
reboot to make sure all is well.

I had intended to build a new CLFS system to host CLFS, and upgrade lots 
of the public facing packages, but ran out of time before I had to 
move.  To be continued with some upgrades, in the hopefully near future!

Thanks for your patience everyone.


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