[Clfs-support] [Native Compiler] Problem Cross-compiling GMP MPFR and MPC

William Harrington kb0iic at berzerkula.org
Fri Apr 14 06:16:12 PDT 2017

On Fri, April 14, 2017 08:15, Michele Bucca wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm trying to cross-compile a native host-x-host compiler with the
> musl-libc library
> To do that I have to
> 1) compile a cross-compiler. (Done)
> 2) Install GMP, MPFR and MPC on the cross-compiler
> 3) make a host-x-host cross-compile to make a native compiler

Hello Michele,

I also wanted to add, in case there is any confusion, that this may shed
some light:


Another option, which may be better, is to build gmp, mpfr and mpc in-tree
with the GCC source when you build it.  Extract mpfr, gmp and mpc into the
source code so it is laid out:

gcc-5.3.0/isl (if also inclulding isl)

then configure:  mkdir gcc-build && cd ../gcc-build && (needed flags here)
../gcc-5.3.0/configure (configure options here excluding --with-gmp
--with-mpfr --with-mpc)



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