[Clfs-support] jhalfs 2.4 released

Pierre Labastie pierre.labastie at neuf.fr
Sun Apr 9 01:44:04 PDT 2017

Dear (C)LFSer's

After eight years of rolling release, the jhalfs development team is 
pleased to announce the release of jhalfs-2.4. Uncountable changes have 
been made since the last version, to adapt to the new versions of the 
LFS/CLFS/BLFS books. The main new features are the ability to use a 
package manager (provided it can use "DESTDIR install") and the ability 
to automatically install dependencies of BLFS packages.

This release is compatible with the (B)LFS books in the 7.x series, as 
well as with the recent 8.0 versions and the current SVN, both Sys V and 
systemd. It also works with CLFS-3.x versions and CLFS development.

Please, send any comments or bugs you find to the alfs-discuss mailing list.


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