[Clfs-support] i586 target with cmov

Chris Fowler linxdev at gmail.com
Tue May 17 08:32:35 PDT 2016

I've just finished chapter 6 of Sysvinit 3.0.0.  My goal is to target an
i586 processor that lacks features of i686. such as cmov.

I think I may have made a mistake during the initial builds.

Maybe I have not, I just want to validate before I move on.  Host is
 Ubuntu 15.10 x86_64.
Target is a RDC3308 RISC, but it prefers to be x86.

 have no name!:/# objdump /tools/bin/ls -D | grep cmov
    180d: 0f 44 1e             cmove  (%esi),%ebx
    31af: da cc                 fcmove %st(4),%st
    4e18: 0f 4e 00             cmovle (%eax),%eax
    59e6: 0f 4f 00             cmovg  (%eax),%eax
    5ddc: 0f 4f 00             cmovg  (%eax),%eax
    a836: db c5                 fcmovnb %st(5),%st
    e50a: 0f 4c 2a             cmovl  (%edx),%ebp
   1120f: 0f 4e 32             cmovle (%edx),%esi
   12e19: 0f 48 00             cmovs  (%eax),%eax
   1376b: 0f 4e 32             cmovle (%edx),%esi
   14068: db cc                 fcmovne %st(4),%st
   1cd7d: 0f 43 26             cmovae (%esi),%esp
   1fadd: da db                 fcmovu %st(3),%st
    25ef: 0f 4a 03             cmovp  (%ebx),%eax
      c7: da cc                 fcmove %st(4),%st
      d0: da cc                 fcmove %st(4),%st
     305: db cf                 fcmovne %st(7),%st
     30d: db cf                 fcmovne %st(7),%st
    6fb7: da c5                 fcmovb %st(5),%st
    799a: db c4                 fcmovnb %st(4),%st
    7a27: db c4                 fcmovnb %st(4),%st
    7a68: db c2                 fcmovnb %st(2),%st
     244: db da                 fcmovnu %st(2),%st
     450: db dc                 fcmovnu %st(4),%st
     478: db dc                 fcmovnu %st(4),%st
     4a0: db dc                 fcmovnu %st(4),%st
     4c0: db dc                 fcmovnu %st(4),%st
    22c4: db c4                 fcmovnb %st(4),%st
    2434: db c4                 fcmovnb %st(4),%st
I have no name!:/#

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