[Clfs-support] Ticket Additions and Updates

William Harrington kb0iic at berzerkula.org
Wed Aug 19 09:59:23 PDT 2015


I have updated and added a bunch of tickets for our CLFS 3.1.0 Milestone.
Please review the tickets and provide some input.

In the past I have asked the community if anyone had an up to date
multilib patch. MIPS has changed a lot and the patch needs to be reworked.
I may look in the message history and see if I can find the last comment
about the multilib patch.

Most of the packages only require version and md5 hash updates to git.
A few packages require update, removal or addition of a few

It'd be wise to have a package freeze most likely toward the end of August
or beginning of September.

View tickets for the CLFS 3.1.0 Standard milestone at


William Harrington

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