[Clfs-support] Trouble compiling eglibc GIT-20120610-x86_64-Multilib

Alonso Graterol alonso.graterol at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 10:52:31 PDT 2012


I tried eglibc-2.13-r13356 and it stops at same point for the exact same

gcc rpc_svcout.c -c -D_RPC_THREAD_SAFE_ -D_CROSS_RPCGEN_ \
    -o /sources/eglibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_svcout.o -MD -MP -MF
/sources/eglibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_svcout.o.dt -MT
gcc rpc_clntout.c -c -D_RPC_THREAD_SAFE_ -D_CROSS_RPCGEN_ \
    -o /sources/eglibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_clntout.o -MD -MP -MF
/sources/eglibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_clntout.o.dt -MT
rpc_clntout.c:34:23: fatal error: rpc/types.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [/sources/eglibc-build/sunrpc/cross-rpc_clntout.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/sources/eglibc-2.13/sunrpc'
make[1]: *** [sunrpc/others] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sources/eglibc-2.13'
make: *** [all] Error 2

This is the output of make, issued just after configuration instruction.

I will try eglibc-2.14 and let you know.


2012/7/7 William Harrington <berzerkula at cox.net>

> I have another user with issues like this, and it may be an eglibc 2.15
> issue. eglibc pulls its tree from glibc and in our stable book we have
> eglibc 2.13 from glibc 2.13 and rpc was removed after that. I want you to
> pull the eglibc 2.13 tarball from the stable book 1.2.0 archive or check it
> out from svn eglibc 2.13 tree at eglibc.org and see if eglibc 2.13 builds
> for you at that step. The user which has the same issue as you is using
> multilib. I don't know if you are or not. I used pure64 and all works fine.
> We'll need to get to the bottom of this.
> -William Harrington
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