[Clfs-support] Building CLFS 1.1.0 for the ARM architecture.

Hector Oron hector.oron at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 08:56:28 PDT 2011


2011/8/14 code monkey <lfscodemonkey at gmail.com>:

> The chapter 10 build took a long time on my HW.  My only ARM HW
> is a cheapy ARM 'netbook' with a 300ish Mhz processor and 128Meg of
> RAM.   The GCC build/test/install step took 48ish hours to finish
> on it.   If someone has a faster ARM machine and is willing to build CLFS
> on it, I'd be interested in hearing how long it takes on faster machines.

I would be willing to run a script which builds CLFS, but no way I
have the time to enter all the commands in the book.

 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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