[Clfs-support] it is not able to boot after -- Building the Basic Tools

kevin631012 kevin631012 at yahoo.com.tw
Tue Oct 19 07:48:45 PDT 2010

> I don't know what you've done in details, but what I'm sure
> about is 
> that you got a "final" system with binaries pointing
> towards /tools, 
> which is bad IMHO. You should have final binaries in /bin,
> /usr/bin and 
> libs in /lib, /usr/lib. My advice is that you really should
> stick to the 
> method in the clfs book to avoid messing up your system.
> My other advice is to NEVER ever copy files from host to
> the clfs root 
> fs (binaries, libs), you should already have got them
> built.
> Now you say your system boots and works or seems to. If you
> really can 
> compile with that system then try to rebuild any incomplete
> package, 
> avoiding critical package like glibc binutils gcc, etc.
> Why not restarting over to master the techniques ? :)
> appzer0

Many Thanks Appzer0
restarting over only one time maybe is not enought for me . ha~~~~~ 

finally , I found only one library , ld-linux.so.2 , is needed to make my system bootable . so I made a symlink as following 

/lib/ld-linux.so.2 -> /tools/lib/ld-linux.so.2

to copy whole libs fome tools/lib is just get it a try . it's not necessary now .
I don't know there is any side effect or not ? but I will continu to Building the CLFS System ,Constructing Testsuite Tools and Installing Basic System Software .

and I believe my mail will come soon . ha ~~ 

Kevin ...


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