[Clfs-support] C++ cross development

Joe Ciccone jciccone at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 04:07:04 PDT 2009

Pascal Kesseli wrote:
> Hi everyone
> CLFS ARM chapters 6.9 and 6.11 describe building the cross compiler
> for the ARM target. They also advise to use the “--enable-languages=c”
> flag, disabling cross compilation support for C++. However, the system
> we are creating is actually supposed to host a C++ application, which
> we of course would like to build using the cross compiler provided by
> When using this flag at these two points, is C++ cross compilation
> support definitely disabled for this platform? If so, may we safely
> omit this flag to enable C++ compilation support?
> Thanks in advance for any reply and best regards
> Pascal

Assuming you're reading the embedded book, the embedded book has no
reason for c++. If you need it, add it. Omitting the flag, omits c++

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