[Clfs-support] some strange errors: ld --help gives errors

Joe Ciccone jciccone at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 04:16:00 PST 2009

Stef Bon wrote:
> Joe Ciccone wrote:
>> Stef Bon wrote:
>>> Joe Ciccone wrote:
>>>> yea, as expected. The compiler you built in chapter 10 is correct,
>>>> which
>>>> is why every package built after it is fine. It's the packages built
>>>> before that that will have a problem. And in the case of the build in
>>>> the book. That's just binutils. When the toolchain adjustment is
>>>> done in
>>>> chapter 10, the compiler in /tools is told to link to
>>>> /lib/ld-linux.so.2
>>>> instead.
>>> Sorry, I've lost you here. Chapter 10, I cannot find chapter 10 to
>>> build a compiler. I think you mean
>>> the compiler build in 8.15? For good information, I'm building the
>>> svn/native version
>>> And the adjustment, is in chapter 8.8 right (and not 10)?
>>> So the packages before thispoint have a problem. Binutils is one of
>>> them, but why not also gmp, mpfr, ppl, cloog-ppl and zlib??
>> I have no idea what book you're following. But its not the cross-lfs
>> book. We don't install a compiler in chapter 8. In any of the 3 books.
> Version SVN-20091015-Native:
> http://cross-lfs.org/view/svn/native/final-system/adjusting.html
> You see: Chapter 8. Installing Basic System Software
Ah, the native book. I completely forgot that it has a different set of
chapters. I talked to Jim a while back about removing it. It just never
got done. It's only a duplication of work without the architecture
specific commands you would find in the other books. My recommendation,
don't use native.
> I'm talking about the normal numbers (not the roman) and you mean the
> roman perhaps??

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