[Clfs-support] Linking issue

Joe Ciccone jciccone at gmail.com
Fri Jul 17 05:25:13 PDT 2009

Lance Chou wrote:
> Dear All,
>   I’m building my system by following Current Sysroot Development 1.x.
> My platform is ARM and I have built the cross toolchain successfully.
> I use the toolchain to build everything I need for my system. After
> the system can boot up, I use the toolchain to build a compiler that
> is directly run on my platform. At first, I thought it’s OK because
> when I write some simple program, it can be compiled and run
> successfully. But when I tries to build apache (httpd-2.2.9) directly
> on the board, it fails at linking stage. The error messages are shown
> as following
And one last thing,

Could you also provide the output this test prints to the console?

echo "int main() {}" | gcc -x c - -v -Wl,--verbose

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