[Clfs-support] strange libtool

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Sun Oct 5 15:28:11 PDT 2008

On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 09:10:07PM +0000, mike wrote:
> Ken Moffat schrieb:
> > What you might need to do is find *every* 64-bit .la file on the
> >system, and search them for '/usr/X11R7/lib ' (with the space, to
> >skip over lib64).  Off the top of my head, something like
> >
> > For L in /usr/lib64 /usr/X11R7/lib64 /opt/qt-3.3.8/lib64 ; do
> >	find $L -name '*.la' | xargs grep '/usr/lib '
> > done
> >
> for L in /usr/lib64 /usr/X11R7/lib64 /opt/qt-3.3.8/lib64 ; do
>    find $L -name '*.la' | xargs grep '/usr/lib '
> done
> gives nothing.
> USE_ARCH=64 xft-config --libs
> gives: -L/usr/X11R7/lib64 -lXft -lX11 -lfreetype -lz -lfontconfig 
> -L/usr/X11R7/lib64 -lXrender -lX11
> its scary...

 Yes, it is.  I assume you don't have logs from failed builds, so
you need to go back to the *first* package where you are overriding
it, to try to work out what is going on.  Run configure without
the additions.

 The output from configure (configure.log) ought to tell you which
package(s) from the dependencies refer to /usr/X11R7/lib, then you
can look at the detail in the log to find the line numbers where it
made this decision.  Then look at the configure script itself:
somewhere in the 100 or 200 lines leading up to these results you
will find the particular test it uses.

 Copy that into a file and run it (mainly, that means creating a
.c or .cxx file and compiling it, occasionally it is something
different such as running xft-config which you can do on the command

 If you don't want to do that, and for now are happy to just add
whatever is necessary to make the packages compile, I understand.

 If you do want to do that, I'm afraid you will have to do the
investigation - I don't have a current multilib system, and my
attempt to update my desktop on pure64 has hit a blocker (printing
is broken), so all I can do is offer suggestions about how to
approach this.

das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce

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