[Clfs-support] How Asterisk on CLFS for min size installation

Alan Lord lord_alan at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Oct 2 07:06:51 PDT 2008

satish patel wrote:
> Hi
>       I am sorry this is question is not suite of this mailling liste but I
> need help from both side CLFS support and asterisk support from asterisk
> mailing list problem is I have install asterisk on CLFS uClibc toolchain and
> buildroot and its working fine also asterisk successfully installed on CLFS
> ARM linux but problem is size Asterisk binary size is 9.9 MB how do I
> install asterisk so its size would be 1 and 2 MB caz 9.9 MB is quite big ..

Hmmm, I just checked the binary of my asterisk server that I hand-built
on an x86 LFS system. It is 11Mb.

IIRC correctly you can instruct the build process to not include certain
modules - maybe that could help reduce the size.

However, I just ran strip -s /usr/sbin/asterisk and my binary went from
11M down to 1.1M!

I restarted asterisk and it all seems to be fine.



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