[Clfs-support] building packages

Ken Moffat zarniwhoop at ntlworld.com
Fri Dec 5 11:10:18 PST 2008

On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 01:48:30PM -0500, Doug Reiland wrote:
> I am still going thru the document. I am at section 6.4 gcc-4.2.4.
> First, I hit the SSIZE_MAX undefined error in linux-host.c. I see a couple of hits in the mailing-list, but no real solution. I am surprise there isn't a patch for this if it is really a problem.
> Second, so far I have built binutils and now gcc twice. I understand the need for this, but am I suppose to create new build directories for these the second time around. Maybe a miss something, and I don't want to get too far down the road. As documented, you end up applying patches twice (getting warnings),  and doing configure twice. 
> binutils errored the second time I built it, saying configuration changed and there is an old config.cache laying around. I ended up doing make distclean and rm all the config.cache files, but I am surprised this isn't documented either.
> It seems like documentation should tells us to rm the untarr-ed source, untar again, apply patches, rm old build directories or create different ones, ...
> If patches are all the same the second phase, don't document the patch steps.

 Sounds as if you missed the 'Important' note at the bottom of
section 5.1.

 I can see the SSIZE_MAX problem in an old post that google found,
and a workaround, but I've never encountered it.  Putting these two
things together, I tend to believe something has been misconfigured
(because it picked up files from an earlier build).

 If you ever find a patch is already applied, something is seriously

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