[Clfs-support] Limited recognition of DVD-ROM device

amdsux at telus.net amdsux at telus.net
Thu Dec 27 12:07:52 PST 2007

I think the other guies will have a better idea. My one thought would be to
check the versions betwween the live CD and CLFS for udev and, umm......

Have U tryed looking in google???

>>Quoting Alonso Graterol <alonso.graterol at gmail.com>:

    I built CLFS-SVN-2070923 Pure64 using LiveCD-x86-6.3-r2052 as host back
 in September.
    I just realized that my DVD device is being recognized and handled in
 such a way that I cannot update the DMA mode of it using hdparm. It is an
 IDE/ATAPI device (/dev/hdb).
    When trying the hdparm command I get the following,
 "root at familia# hdparm -d1 /dev/hdb
  setting using_dma to 1 (on)
  HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted
  using_dma     =  0 (off)"
    If I try the same command after booting from the LiveCD, I can change the
 DMA mode without any error or warning.
    I have no clue how to resolve this. I followed the book instructions when
 I built the system.
    Any advice is appreciated

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