[Clfs-dev] Updated BOOT Section

William Harrington berzerkula at cox.net
Fri Sep 14 14:42:13 PDT 2012

On Sep 14, 2012, at 16:31 PM, Akira Urushibata wrote:

>> Although, I feel sorry for the soul who has to manually type the
>> whole build process, or I'm happy for the soul which has a script to
>> build the final system.

Codemonkey and Urushibata,

What I meant by the above comment is that the user has no command  
line browser to view the book, and no ssh server (like dropbear...  
I've been cross compiling dropbear and putting it into /tools and I  
have also been building ip from iproute2 and putting it into tools  
then setup network scripts) so building it remotely with a machine  
and a browser. I have my own scripts which make it easy. I was just  
feeling sorry for the soul who doesn't have all of this!

Although, dropbear is a great small ssh server to cross compile and  
build and then for setting up networking either use kernel auto level  
ip and use no boot scripts for networking or use networking and build  
ip  from iproute2 and set it in /tools/sbin and setup networking  
bootscripts and /etc/sysconfig/network-devices/ipv4 or use dhcp if it  
is cross compiled can use that.

JHALFS is a no go as of the book. It will error out on our pkg config  
changes and something else. Need to look into that a bit. I thikn for  
libee I thikn we should add -j 1 to the actual command and omit the  

Really, if someone is using the boot method, they should know already  
what they want and need and how to setup the target. Usually the  
target already has a boot loader and the target's current  
configureation can be edited to boot the temp system.

Also I've been adding --noclear after agetty in inittab so I can see  
what is going on if therea re problems and have the screen not  
cleared before logging in.


William Harrington

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