[Clfs-dev] CBLFS - pango / gtk2 multilib patches

Bryan Kadzban bryan at kadzban.is-a-geek.net
Sun Sep 27 15:56:34 PDT 2009

Looks like the recent changes to (at least) the pango and gtk2 multilib
patches were diffed backwards.

The hunk at the end of the pango patch is trying to delete -BUILDENV
from pango/Makefile.in, not add it.  (The ".in.orig" and ".in" filenames
look like they're in the correct order, but the change being applied is
backwards.  Maybe the original was ".in", and the patched version
somehow got named ".in.orig"?)  It also doesn't have a "diff" command
line in the header (for only that hunk), just the +++ and --- headers;
although patch seems to be OK with that.

For gtk2, the directories are clearly backwards (i.e. diffed in the
wrong direction): the entire patch is reversed, and it's trying to
remove -BUILDENV from everywhere instead of add it.  "patch -r" does the
right thing, but the patch file should really be flipped around.

(Not sure if this is the right list or not, but it should catch a few
devs' eyes at least.)

I've attached manually-fixed-up versions of both patches.  I also fixed
a few offsets I was seeing in the pango patch (older versions), fixed
the directory names, and added a "diff" line for the last hunk.  (Most
of this is just cosmetic.  It applies with no fuzz or offsets now,
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