[Clfs-dev] x86_64 Dev Book: Some Comments

Andrew Rowland weibullguy at charter.net
Mon Mar 17 19:07:36 PDT 2008

Just built an x86_64 multilib using the development book
(SVN-20080228-x86_64-Multilib).  Some observations that I noted:


64-bit procps:

This make CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" m64="" doesn't need the m64=""
This make install lib64=lib64 doesn't need the lib64=lib64 

Thus, these two descriptions aren't needed.


The Makefile for this package goes to some lengths to build as 64-bit if
at all possible. In CLFS we build each lisetup a 32bit extenstion or
binding.brary for each available ABI. Overriding the m64 option enables
us ignore this completely.


The Makefile also attempts to install into lib64 on multilib, so again
we choose to override it. 

Perl 32-bit and 64-bit:

This comment "Add a suffix to the perl binary which will be used by the
multilib wrapper installed later:" should probably read "Add a suffix to
the perl binary which will be used by the multilib wrapper:" since the
wrapper was already installed.

Also in the 64-bit section, the following "setup a 32bit extenstion"
should be "setup a 32bit extension"

Zlib 32-bit and 64-bit:

Because I'm anal retentive, this statement "The previous command
installed a .so file in /usr/lib64." should read "two .so files"


The last ampersand is out of place in the following:

CC="gcc ${BUILD64}" ./configure && 
make check &&
make clean &&

Also, should this note be a "note block" rather than a parenthetical

(note that the make clean command is required to clean up the source
tree, otherwise the code built for testing will be installed, and the
test version of modprobe does not function outside the test


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